Cameras in Special Education Classrooms - NY

Cameras in special education classrooms prevent abuse, facilitate reporting, and clarify investigations. They can even protect staff from unjust accusations.

To date, four states have passed laws related to the installation of cameras in special education classes.

In New York, a bill to this purpose died in committee in the 2019-2020 Legislative Session. It needs a new sponsor, and to be re-introduced, but mostly, IT NEEDS US to communicate with our representatives and with our communities.

See below for templates you can use to write to your Assembly Member and state Senator.

Dear Assemblyman/woman ______________________,
My name is _______________, and I live in _______________, New York. I am writing to you to ask for your support and possible co-sponsorship of a bill to amend the education law, in relation to requiring video camera recording in special education classrooms where pupils are unable to communicate effectively. Assemblyman Chris Burdick intends to introduce such a bill to the New York State legislature. This critical bill will provide and assure students with special needs, specifically students with autism, who may have difficulty voicing acts of neglect and abuse, the protections against such neglect and abuse. It is also designed to protect school administrators and faculty who may be falsely accused of neglect and abuse allegations or charges.Several states have similar laws on the books, such as Louisiana, West Virginia, and Texas.Children significantly affected by autism are uniquely vulnerable to abuse due to many factors: classrooms with closed doors, often inadequate training for teachers and aides, inappropriate staffing levels, and children with sometimes challenging behaviors who may not be able to report what happens at school. This issue is particularly important to me because_______________________.I do hope you will give serious consideration to this issue . If you would like to learn more, please visit,



Dear Senator ______________________,

My name is _______________, and I live in _______________, New York. I am writing to you to ask for your support of a bill to amend the education law, in relation to requiring video camera recording in special education classrooms where pupils are unable to communicate effectively. Assemblyman Chris Burdick intends to introduce such a bill to the New York State legislature.

This issue is particularly important to me because_______________________.

This critical bill will provide and assure students with special needs, specifically students with autism, who may have difficulty voicing acts of neglect and abuse, the protections against such neglect and abuse. It is also designed to protect school administrators and faculty who may be falsely accused of neglect and abuse allegations or charges.

Several states have similar laws on the books, such as Louisiana, West Virginia, and Texas.

Children significantly affected by autism are uniquely vulnerable to abuse due to many factors: classrooms with closed doors, often inadequate training for teachers and aides, inappropriate staffing levels, and children with behavioral needs who may not be able to report what happens at school.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter.

